Using the Pete Brothers Ultimeter II and the KPC-3
The U-II and a KPC-3 with a radio can be used as a stand alone remote
weather site for APRS. This will provide real time wind speed,
direction, temperature, and rainfall. Also, with more actual stations
up on APRS, there will be better coverage for mobiles and stations
limited to low power or inside antennas. These steps work for the
KPC-3's that have the ver 6.0 eprom. These must be installed, as that
is the version with the GPS ability.
Connecting the wx station to the tnc
The cable to connect the U-II to the tnc is a simple one. On one end
is a regular modular type telephone plug. On the other, is a DB-25.
Only two wires are needed from the phone plug. Connect the green wire
to pin number three. This is the data line. Connect the black wire to
pin number seven. This is the signal ground.
Set normal things such as myalias relay. Other settings with the newer
eproms must also be set.
GPS settings on tnc
- Gpshead 1 #
The # symbol makes the tnc capture the wx data from
the U-II.
- LTP 1 aprs via digi1,digi2, etc...
Up to 8 digis can be used but
that many are not
recommended. This sets the wx data
- BT !xxxx.xxN/xxxxx.xxW_put whatever text you want here
The _ is the symbol for a wx station. Use a \ between the lat and lon
the wx station is also a wide digi.
- B every 30
Sets beacon to tx every 30 minutes.
- BLT 1 every 00:05:00
This will beacon the postit every five
- Unproto aprs via digi1,digi2, etc...
sets unproto of BT.
Once this is done, you need to put the tnc into GPS mode. Type INT
GPS. Then,
when you turn the tnc off and then back on, it will be in gps
If you read the manual that comes with the KPC-3, you will bet a better
explanation of the GPS commands. Pete Brothers and Kantronics are both
very helpful if you need help. Both companies are familiar with each
others products, and how to make them work together. Kantronics: 913
842 4476 9am to noon, 2pm to 5 pm Central Standard Time. Mon to Fri
Pete Brothers: 908 531 4615. Ask to speak to a technician.
I hope this will keep you from enduring a lot of the headaches that I
went through to get the remote wx stations on the air. And big thanks
go to Jim KU0G and all the others on the FL-APRS SIG that sent me
helpful tips.
73 de AJ4Y Paul Womble