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Weather Stations Near FW5717

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
K1RFS 14.2 SW00:00:02:59 484519800051992.7
FW5963 25.8 NW00:00:00:05 50614136000541007.2
GW3823 313.9 E00:00:00:02 282314000701006.0
EW2058 323.8 NW00:00:00:02 5117252020.030.130.07461000.5
CW5478 411.3 SE00:00:00:02 31610180000601017.9
EW9030 412.4 SE00:00:03:56 2916227000611013.4
DW6996 428.1 S00:00:02:03 6100196000571012.9
CW3873 454.7 SE00:00:00:01 46512278000461017.4
CW1828 478.0 SW00:00:10:01 46712330000691010.2
W7JLW 505.1 S00:00:00:02 60714162000661013.4
FW4558 533.1 SW00:00:04:59 55001170.020.020.02831015.1
GW3765 547.2 NW00:00:00:41 4891318500.36081990.8
FW9262 562.8 SW00:00:01:43 56242100.070.010.01901014.6
FW6488 578.2 W00:00:01:01 32101821300.030801009.2
CW3318 608.6 NW00:00:00:04 38132525300.11094987.9
WB5LJO-13 622.0 SE00:00:00:02 550390042
DW4993 637.6 NW00:00:00:00 299914000092996.2
EW5393 641.5 NW00:00:00:01 290213400093997.5
GW4348 652.7 W00:00:00:02 450000.020.680901006.7
EW7038 655.9 NW00:00:00:03 4210162500.030.66078993.8

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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