K7OPP-9>TWUUVT,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,K9JEB:`2+fmfku\`"6#}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TWUXSX,qAR,KD7ESK-7:`2'Lq*5u\`"5]}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPPTQ,WIDE1-1,qAO,K7NVH-1:`2&HnKWu\`"3x}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPPUQ,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2&Il}Vu\`"3p}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPPWW,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2&Jn7Wu\`"3y}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPQQU,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2&Lm}Su\`"3{}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPQSP,WIDE1-1,qAO,K7NVH-1:`2&NmUOu\`"4!}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPYQR,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,AF7DX:`2'4l"u\`"4O}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPYQS,qAR,K7NWS-2:`2'Ll@Qu\`"4E}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPXYX,WIDE1-1,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2'[mqlu\`"4;}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4