VA7IAI messages

fromtotime message
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 03:53:42z Reply CQ[spc]msg to group reply.LIST recipients.LAST/LAST10 history 1024
9W2DDA-9 VA7IAI 10/24 03:53:42z Reply APRSPH:HOTGĀ  #APRSTHURSDAY 9W2DDA 73
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:41:56z Reply But RIP phone battery life{0w}0F
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:41:52z Reply now I am curious if that iOS app is worth getting{0v}0F
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:10:03z Reply CQ[space]msg to join/chat. LAST for msg log. Info:
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:10:00z Reply 2/2:AI,
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:09:57z Reply 1024 1/2:DV9JRA-7,APRSID,KC3WWB-9,DU6DKL,XE1DM,N2RAC-10,KD2JRT,VA7I
VA7IAI APRSPH 10/24 02:09:53z Send another list{0J}
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:06:05z Reply Ur checked in 1024 0206Z. QRX pls til 2359Z. U to exit.
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:06:03z Reply 1024 0206Z:QSP 8 stations. LIST for recipients. LAST for history.
VA7IAI DV9JRA-7 10/24 02:06:01z Send another APRSPH:New ham on APrS. good evening.
VA7IAI APRSPH 10/24 02:05:59z Send another CQ New ham on APrS. good evening.{0I}
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:05:33z Reply 1024 0205Z:CQ [spc] msg to join,LIST,LAST. Info:HELP or
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:05:30z Reply 1024 0205Z:Command not found: >CQ
VA7IAI APRSPH 10/24 02:05:25z Send another >CQ new ham on APRS{0H}
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:57z Reply LIST to see today's checkins. for more info/1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:54z Reply MINE for ur last net msgs. SEARCH [spc] phrase to find msgs /1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:51z Reply ?APRSM for the last 10 direct msgs to you. U to leave the net /1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:49z Reply SMS [spc] 09XXnumber [spc] msg to text PHILIPPINE numbers /1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:46z Reply LAST/LAST10/LAST15 to retrieve 5/10/15 msgs. ?APRST for path /1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:44z Reply NET [space] msg to checkin & join without notifying everyone /1024
APRSPH VA7IAI 10/24 02:03:41z Reply CQ [space] msg to join net & send msg to all checked in today /1024
VA7IAI APRSPH 10/24 02:03:18z Send another HELP{0G}
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:02:24z Reply but who needs the Bell System when you got *RADIO*{0p}0F
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:02:09z Reply tone{0o}0F
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:02:08z Reply although I suppose I could setup an autopatch to respond to a 2600{0n}0F
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 02:01:56z Reply the golden days of phreaking were a bit before I was born{0m}0F
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 02:01:38z Send another i miss my phreaker friends - rip{0F}0l
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:59:39z Reply or be a phone phreak and use a data cable to sideload them{0l}0E
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:59:23z Reply I remember when you had to pay real money for ringtones{0k}0E
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:58:48z Reply well we live in the future, with AI assistants{0j}0E
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:58:02z Send another if i'm getting a message here i'm pretending it's important{0E}0i
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:57:37z Reply and VA7IAI's new msg tone is a giant horn blast{0i}0D
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:57:24z Reply (for context, we just setup alert sounds){0h}0D
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:57:15z Reply oh god that sound{0g}0D
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:57:10z Reply Alright, so assuming everything works, prepare to ring{0f}0D
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:46:31z Reply it would be nice if radio software came with all the bits{0e}0D
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:45:58z Reply I now have sounds when a message comes in \o/{0d}0D
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:45:43z Send another this is not a message{0D}0c
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:45:26z Reply Ok, lets see if that gets sound working{0c}0C
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:42:42z Reply Mac OS has afplay, but no idea if it will work{0b}0C
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:42:33z Reply Hrm, ok, so the alert feature runs a command{0a}0C
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:41:52z Reply I've almost never used the msging features{0Z}0C
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:41:49z Send another there's always ragchewing lol{0C}0Y
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:41:38z Reply oh I think I found audio alerts in Xastir{0Y}0B
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:40:57z Reply even if they manage to get on air{0X}0B
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:40:53z Reply Which I suspect is where a lot of people fall out of the hobby{0W}0B
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:40:36z Reply But now we reach the 'now what' stage of amateur radio :/{0V}0B
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:40:05z Send another same here{0B}0U
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:39:48z Reply I wish I had the base station plugged in at home{0U}0A
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:38:14z Reply which is a FOSS one written in Go{0T}0A
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:38:09z Reply the official winlink client is Windows only, but there's Pat{0S}0A
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:37:51z Reply Winlink would probably be the next goal -- it can work over APRS{0R}0A
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:37:34z Reply Sent the link via Signal, since I can't paste a URL{0Q}0A
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:31:18z Send another sounds like a plan{0A}0P
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:30:53z Reply Maybe just a Google Doc for now?{0P}09
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 01:30:50z Send another paperwork is unfun{09}0O
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:30:42z Reply Xastir's log file seems to catch a lot of noise{0O}08
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 01:30:32z Reply so the next question is where and how do we log this?{0N}08
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:39:32z Reply Green stars are (usually) digipeaters{0M}08
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:39:21z Reply The icons represent what stations are.{0L}08
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:39:01z Send another that'll be intriguing to check out{08}0K
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:38:41z Reply if you leave the client open for awhile, you'll also get bulletins{0K}07
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:38:22z Send another also found a fire control center near snowqualmie{07}0J
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:37:30z Reply then make sure you click it, and it stays ticked{0J}06
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:37:22z Reply I got Xastir to log, you have to click Message Logging in fil{0I}06
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:37:11z Reply There's CWOP - Citizens Weather Observation Program{0H}06
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:37:00z Reply This is how weather stations get filtered into radio{0G}06
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:36:31z Send another just saw all the weather stations - that's actually kinda nice{06}0F
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:35:50z Reply I'm seeing if I can get logging to work proper{0F}05
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:34:55z Reply I was also able to decode a handful of packets from LDYSMH{0E}05
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:34:33z Reply but I was looking at the map, and I heard CVARS in Oregon{0D}05
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:34:23z Reply I should figure out how group mode works{0C}05
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:33:36z Reply approx 30 minutes (and you can't send tile symbols with Xastir){0B}05
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:33:34z Send another right - i haz the dum{05}0A
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:33:23z Reply .30 minutes{0A}04
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:33:19z Reply before you can see all stations{09}04
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:33:16z Reply Remember, it operates like radio, so it has to finish a net cycle{08}04
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:32:55z Send another do i need to.. nvm i am seeing more stuff and wow is sea ded{04}07
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:32:40z Reply ... I didn't appreciate how annoying lack of copy and paste would b{07}03
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:32:05z Reply You can increase it by changing the filter{06}03
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:31:53z Send another radius seems to stop just past vic{03}05
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:30:59z Reply I should probably look at running the Pocket client you found{05}02
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:30:49z Reply So, if you setup an APrS client on your i device, you can track it{04}02
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:30:38z Send another *insert me splat against the billboard*{02}03
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:30:25z Reply *insert Futurama style opening*{03}01
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:30:20z Reply Welcome to the world of Amateur Radio!{02}01
VA7IAI KD2JRT 10/24 00:30:14z Send another good evening{01}01
KD2JRT VA7IAI 10/24 00:29:45z Reply CQ CQ CQ{01}