KO6DSS-15 messages

fromtotime message
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-15 10/12 08:06:01z Send another BITS.11111111,SYSTEM STATUS
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-15 10/12 08:06:01z Send another EQNS.0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-15 10/12 08:06:01z Send another UNIT.Pkts,Pkts,Pkts,Pkts,Pkts,En,En,En,En,ON,ON,ON,ON
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-15 10/12 08:06:00z Send another PARM.RF->INET,INET->RF,Repeater,AllCount,AllDrop,IGATE,DIGI,WX,SAT,INET,VPN,4G,MQTT
KO6DSS-15 KD6CWI-9 10/06 04:18:01z Send another Not only did I get WinLink running over RF I also got APRS running!{03}
KO6DSS-9 KO6DSS-15 10/06 04:16:39z Reply This is pretty cool{3
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-9 10/06 04:16:18z Send another Just had to adjust the audio device that direwolf was set to RX FRM{04}1
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-9 10/06 04:16:09z Send another Just had to adjust the audio device that direwolf was set to RX FRM{04}2
KO6DSS-9 KO6DSS-15 10/06 04:16:06z Reply Test is good 👍 {1
KO6DSS-9 KO6DSS-15 10/06 04:15:08z Reply Hello{2
KO6DSS-15 KO6DSS-9 10/06 04:09:01z Send another Test123{02}
KO6DSS-9 KO6DSS-15 10/06 02:08:10z Reply Test{1