KN4AKP messages

fromtotime message
KN4AKP KN4AKP-2 09/20 03:52:04z Send another rig to ht test 2 qsl{3
KN4AKP KN4AKP-2 09/20 03:38:40z Send another 👍{2
KN4AKP KN4AKP-2 09/20 03:34:36z Send another rig to ht qsl{1
KN4AKP smsgte 09/09 23:58:49z Send another @7047725595 testing qsl{2
KN4AKP smsgte 09/09 23:58:29z Send another @7047725595 testing{1
KN4AKP-5 KN4AKP 09/09 23:46:35z Reply Test from int.{1