KN0O-1 messages

fromtotime message
KN0O-1 N1CUI-9 09/12 15:31:46z Send another good morning{51
KN0O-1 W1MLC-9 09/12 15:30:59z Send another good morning 🌄{50
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:30:18z Reply Unsubscribing from net 0912 1529Z. NET or CQ to join again.
KN0O-1 aprsph 09/12 15:29:40z Send another u{49
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:28:22z Reply 5 messages retrieved on 0912 1526Z. Info:
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:28:11z Reply 4.09-12 1517Z PU5KOD-1:HOTG Greetings from Daniel K. / Mafra SC+
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:35z Reply 5.09-12 1524Z KN0O-1:good morning from Maine
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:33z Reply 4.+ Brazil - check
KN0O-1 PU5KOD-1 09/12 15:26:30z Send another APRSPH:good morning from Maine
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:27z Reply 3.09-12 0940Z 9W2XDD-5: [Checked out from the net]
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:25z Reply 2.+malaysia OJ03QD
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:22z Reply 2.09-12 0939Z 9W2XDD-5:hi everyone happy nice day 73 from west +
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:19z Reply 1.09-12 0801Z LY7AP-7:Hi 2 all de Lithuania, 73!
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:26:17z Reply CQ[spc]msg reply,LIST recipients,HELP 0912
KN0O-1 aprsph 09/12 15:26:11z Send another last{48
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:25:20z Reply CQ[space]msg to join/chat. LAST for msg log. Info:
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:25:20z Reply 2/2:0,TI2BSH,KE8QDR-7,KB3AWQ-14,DO3RCX,K0WAV-4,LY7AP-7,PU5KOD-1,
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:25:12z Reply 0912 1/2:DU6DKL,DU2XXR-7,APRSID,VU2LCI-10,VU3YEK-7,M0NPQ-9,VU2JHM-1
KN0O-1 aprsph 09/12 15:25:08z Send another list{47
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:24:50z Reply Ur checked in 0912 1524Z. QRX pls til 2359Z. U to exit.
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/12 15:24:48z Reply 0912 1524Z:QSP 14 stations. LIST for recipients. LAST for history.
KN0O-1 aprsph 09/12 15:24:43z Send another cq good morning from Maine{46
ANSRVR KN0O-1 09/07 01:36:56z Reply N:NORTHERNLIGHTS Removed From Group{YB}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:37:47z Reply Duplicate (retry?) request suppressed
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:37:46z Send another u hotg{45
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:37:14z Reply N:HOTG Already Removed{TQ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:36:33z Reply N:NORTHERNLIGHTS Now Monitoring with 3 Members{TP}
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:36:33z Send another j Northernlights{44
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:15z Reply Active Groups Query Disabled{TO}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:14z Reply Also:TEST(1) UNICAM(3) WEATHER(1) WX(1){TN}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:13z Reply Also:RVSU(1) SATELLITE(1) SCARSVOIP(3) SCOUTS(3) SKYWARN(1)+{TM}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:12z Reply Also:GP(2) IRELAND(3) JOTA(3) JT65(3) NWOARES(1) RIPONDARS(1)+{TL}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:11z Reply Also:APRSIS(1) APRSISCE32(1) APRSPH(1) ARISS(1) ECLIPSE(4) FD(1)+{TK}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:10z Reply WARS(1) Weld Amateur Radio Society Own:W0WAL-4{TJ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:09z Reply SOTA(5) SUMMITS ON THE AIR Own:N7FMH-10{TI}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:07z Reply SKYTEST(2) Test announcements for SKYWARN Own:N4LKZ{TH}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:06z Reply SIEMENSHAM(2) Siemens Ham Radio Community Own:YO3FVR-7{TG}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:05z Reply RUSSIA(2) CQ RUSSIA Own:RN3FWD-C7{TF}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:04z Reply Own:SA7SKY-10{TE}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:03z Reply RPRNET(2) Robust Packet Network *HF-RPR-APRS/PR Europe*+{TD}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:02z Reply ROCKETS(5) for rocket launches Own:G6UIM{TC}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:01z Reply QRP(2) For low power operations and QSO Own:KF7RHB-1{TB}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:35:00z Reply PSAT(2) Discussions regarding PSAT Telemetry reports. Own:N5BRJ{TA}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:59z Reply PLANES(5) Plane flights with APRS Own:G6UIM{SZ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:57z Reply Own:KB3KBR-3{SY}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:56z Reply NORTHERNLIGHTS(2) notifications for northern lights sightings+{SX}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:55z Reply NORALA(1) North Alabama Hams Own:N4GLE-5{SW}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:54z Reply MPDRU(2) From KJ7HNU-1 Own:KJ7HNU-1{SV}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:53z Reply KJ7XD(1) las vegas Own:KG7XD-7{SU}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:51z Reply JS8CALL(2) Gateway? Own:5N8NDP{ST}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:50z Reply ISS(8) ISS APRS Sched Own:G6UIM{SS}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:49z Reply Own:K7XYG-7{SR}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:48z Reply HOTG(20) +{SQ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:47z Reply HHHH(1) TXT Own:M1AFY-7{SP}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:46z Reply HFMOBILE(5) HF Mobile Operations Own:KC2ANT{SO}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:44z Reply HAPPY(1) APRSThursday fro LoRa Tracker 731 Own:HK5FCI-10{SN}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:43z Reply GREETINGS(1) from Bangalore India 🇮🇳 Own:VU2JHM-10{SM}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:42z Reply Own:KD0TLS-7{SL}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:41z Reply GOPHER(3) Gopher ARC weekly meet, 2 PM Sat, U of MN hamshack+{SK}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:40z Reply FLYINGAPRS(2) About Airborne APRS Own:DF1CHB{SJ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:39z Reply FEDI(2) FEDI Group{SI}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:38z Reply CRRG(1) Castle Rock Repeater Group Own:AC0XW-9{SH}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:37z Reply CQ(2) CQ Calling Channel Own:KJ4ERJ-12{SG}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:36z Reply BFRN(1) Bigfoot Radio Net Wed 2000hrs 7255hz Own:KF5THB-7{SF}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:35z Reply BALLOONS(2) aprs Own:KC1HHO-1{SE}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:34z Reply BALLOON(7) HA Balloon alerts Own:G6UIM{SD}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:33z Reply AUXCYYC(1) ACS Calgary Own:VE6DPC-4{SC}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:31z Reply AUXCOMMUSA(1) good morning Own:KC5FM-9{SB}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:30z Reply AT(3) Golden Packet (East) Own:KJ4ERJ-AP{SA}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:29z Reply ASAPNET(1) Amber/Silver Alert Net© = (ASAP) Own:KF5THB-7{RZ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:28z Reply APRSYO(1) Grup APRS Romania Own:YO3FVR{RY}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:27z Reply Own:G6UIM{RX}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:26z Reply APRSSATS(3) use and schedules for ISS NO-44 FAST1 and FAST2+{RW}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:25z Reply APRSISCE(2) Notifications for APRSISCE Own:KJ4ERJ-12{RV}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:24z Reply Own:G6UIM{RU}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:23z Reply APRSISCAFE(5) Alerts related to the APRSIS32CAFE yahoo Group+{RT}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:22z Reply APRSIS32(6) Notifications for APRSIS32 Own:KJ4ERJ-12{RS}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:21z Reply APRSFLYING(2) About Airborne APRS Own:DF1CHB{RR}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:19z Reply APRSDROID(5) ANDROID APRS PLATFORM Own:KB1ZGF{RQ}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:18z Reply APRSCHILE(1) info-noticias-boletines Own:CA2JAT-10{RP}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:17z Reply ANYONE(2) know of any good groups Own:KC1HHO-1{RO}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:34:17z Reply ANSRVR(3) CQ ITM Hello Own:KG7IVO{RN}
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:34:12z Send another ?aprst{43
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:33:15z Reply AMSAT(6) info on aprs sattelites Own:KA9FON{RM}
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:33:15z Send another d{42
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:31:45z Reply or ? GROUP{RL}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:31:44z Reply L=My Groups, CQ/J=Join, U=Unjoin, D=Describe Groups, ?=All Groups,+{RK}
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:31:42z Reply D GROUP Description (if Owner){RJ}
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:31:42z Send another net hotg good morning{41
APRSPH KN0O-1 09/06 13:26:27z Reply Logged:0906 1326Z -KC8OWL & DU2XXR
KN0O-1 YD0BCX-9 09/06 13:26:23z Send another N:HOTG testing
KN0O-1 aprsph 09/06 13:26:22z Send another hotg testing{40
ansrvr KN0O-1 09/06 13:25:03z Reply N:HOTG Already Removed{RH}
KN0O-1 ansrvr 09/06 13:25:02z Send another u hotg{39
KN0O-1 N1OHX 08/26 13:50:24z Send another hello from Rockport{38
APSPOT KN0O-1 07/21 03:50:38z Reply SEND "USAGE" FOR MORE INFO{00289
APSPOT KN0O-1 07/21 03:50:35z Reply ERROR: "STATUS" NOT SUPPORTED{00288
KN0O-1 APSPOT 07/21 03:50:31z Send another status{5
APSPOT KN0O-1 07/19 03:16:11z Reply SEND "USAGE" FOR MORE INFO{00259
APSPOT KN0O-1 07/19 03:16:08z Reply ERROR: "USAGE GO" NOT SUPPORTED{00258