KI4LEH messages

fromtotime message
WB2UTI KI4LEH 09/16 22:35:15z Reply Directs[2/2]:KS4EOC-1(1.6@215) WC4PEM-9(49.1@164)
WB2UTI KI4LEH 09/16 22:35:15z Reply Directs[1/2]:K4OZS-10(17.1mi@346°) KF4CQ-1(5.9@47) KQ4DAF(6.5@158)
KI4LEH WB2UTI 09/16 22:35:15z Send another ?APRSD
KI4LEH WB2UTI 09/16 11:38:46z Send another What beacon are you talking about?{LL}QP
WB2UTI KI4LEH 09/16 00:40:52z Reply So did you get the beacon you wanted?{QP}
N4EBF KI4LEH 09/14 16:22:08z Reply Got it working, but can not get my position on map. Brings up Berli{1
KI4LEH N4EBF 09/14 16:19:48z Send another Good afternoon Spike.{QM}
WHO-IS KI4LEH 09/14 16:18:23z Reply G/Mark D Tetlow/FL/United States{F1}QL
KI4LEH WHO-IS 09/14 16:18:23z Send another KB1UHA{QL}
K4NDZ KI4LEH 09/14 01:45:15z Reply Thx for the net Gene{m0001
KI4LEH K4NDZ 09/14 01:44:18z Send another You are welcome and Gil had the heavy load tonight. {WX}
WB2UTI-15 Ki4leh 09/07 17:45:55z Reply could you ext val and let her know i forgot my phone again!+{PT}
KI4LEH WB2UTI-15 08/28 18:01:28z Send another Order has been called in.{DI}
KI4LEH WB2UTI-9 08/16 19:13:43z Send another Hello, I see you are back at your son's in FL. Are you going to+{BM}
KI4LEH WB2UI 08/15 17:54:24z Send another ?APRSP
KI4LEH K9TPT-11 07/18 15:10:27z Send another Good Morning! Got caught up on 147.030. {YB}
K9TPT-11 KI4LEH 07/18 14:53:26z Reply Good morning{C0001
KI4LEH K9TPT-11 07/16 14:19:50z Send another Good Morning! I am on the Red Oaks Zoom.{TS}
KI4LEH KX4LEO-9 07/15 16:52:36z Send another Good Monday Morning! {CO}
KI4LEH KO4NCC-11 07/15 16:38:00z Send another not RF.{CV}0B
KI4LEH KO4NCC-11 07/15 16:37:58z Send another Yes, I have WinLink set up as well but running on the Internet,+{CU}0B
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:37:22z Reply to KO4NCC-10?{0B}CT
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:37:14z Reply You're geting to bbe a real digital guy. Can you Winlink{0A}CT
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:36:36z Reply APRSIS is updating I'm on annothe Pi that runs Xastir a Linux prog{09}CT
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:36:01z Reply That's so funny II am starting all my computers and the one with{08}CT
KI4LEH KO4NCC-11 07/15 16:33:14z Send another APRSIS32 with the Internet/computer connection. {CT}07
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:31:52z Reply What program are you using?{07}CS
KI4LEH KO4NCC-11 07/15 16:31:11z Send another Well, enjoy those days.{CS}06
KO4NCC-11 KI4LEH 07/15 16:30:38z Reply Hi Gene just gott my computer up. I'm home for a couple of days{06}CQ
KI4LEH KQ4DAF 07/15 14:39:20z Send another Good Morning Hank!{CR}
K9TPT-11 KI4LEH 07/15 14:06:24z Reply Good morning, You too{M0001
KI4LEH KO4NCC-11 07/15 13:59:40z Send another Good Morning Jeff!{CQ}
KI4LEH KO4GTB-9 07/15 13:58:44z Send another Good Monday Morning!{CP}
KI4LEH K9TPT-11 07/15 13:57:25z Send another Good Monday Morning! I hope that you have a good day.{CN}
K9TPT-11 KI4LEH 07/13 16:14:51z Reply put shelter locations on aprs map{C0001
K9TPT-11 KI4LEH 07/13 16:09:27z Reply Minw was on, didnt see you at all{M0004
K9TPT-11 KI4LEH 07/13 16:08:11z Reply Mine was on all day but didnt seeyiu{M0003
KI4LEH K9TPT-11 07/13 16:06:11z Send another okay?{OH}
KI4LEH K9TPT-11 07/13 16:06:10z Send another Good afternoon, I didn't see you beaconing yesterday, eveything+{OG}