KE2BPA-7 messages

fromtotime message
KE2BPA-7 AD8NT-5 09/25 01:21:10z Send another K{2
KE2BPA-7 VA3RHH-9 09/05 02:47:45z Send another Test {3
KE2BPA-7 KE2BPA-7 09/05 02:28:54z Send another T{1
KE2BPA-7 VA3RHH-9 08/30 17:05:48z Send another Ov{2
KE2BPA-7 AD8NT-5 08/28 13:20:54z Send another Thank you. A lot to learn. {1
KE2BPA-7 08/28 13:15:17z Send another Test {2
AD8NT-5 KE2BPA-7 08/28 02:05:32z Reply Welcome to APRS!{1
KE2BPA-7 VA3RHH-9 08/28 01:57:15z Send another Hello first night with aprs . Wanted to test a message. 73{1
KE2BPA-7 08/28 01:44:34z Send another Cq{1