K4RS messages

fromtotime message
EMAIL-2 K4RS 09/15 14:39:33z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{976
K4RS EMAIL-2 09/15 14:39:32z Send another W4AKH FL WL NET, Roger, Advance, NC, APRS{4
EMAIL-2 K4RS 09/05 18:50:15z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{1001
K4RS EMAIL-2 09/05 18:47:47z Send another W4AKH FL WL NET, Roger, Colonial Beach, VA, APRS{1
EMAIL-2 K4RS 08/28 11:53:34z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{783
EMAIL-2 K4RS 08/22 17:54:38z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{605
EMAIL-2 K4RS 08/20 23:43:38z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{981
EMAIL-2 K4RS 08/14 11:13:42z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{695
EMAIL-2 K4RS 08/07 12:41:12z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{1100
WW4EOC-15 K4RS 08/03 18:27:15z Reply Hope all is well .{F19DE
EMAIL-2 K4RS 07/26 17:45:34z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{120
K4RS EMAIL-2 07/26 17:45:34z Send another W4AKH FL WL NET, Roger, Lancaster, PA, APRS{1
EMAIL-2 K4RS 07/24 13:58:05z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{226
K4RS EMAIL-2 07/24 13:55:04z Send another W4AKH FL WL NET, Roger, Hershey, PA, APRS{1
EMAIL-2 K4RS 07/17 11:58:24z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{215
EMAIL-2 K4RS 07/15 23:20:40z Reply Email sent to w4akh@winlink.org{105