DL5RDQ-10 messages

fromtotime message
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-4 09/10 12:39:01z Send another DL5RCB-10
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-4 09/10 12:38:56z Send another rej14
DF9RB-4 DL5RDQ-10 09/10 12:38:56z Reply ?aprsl{14
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/07 20:39:07z Send another rej13
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/07 20:39:07z Reply ?aprsl{13
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/06 12:04:08z Send another rej12
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/06 12:04:08z Reply ?aprsl{12
DL5RDQ-10 DF5RJ-6 09/06 09:14:47z Send another rejFA7F1
DF5RJ-6 DL5RDQ-10 09/06 09:14:47z Reply ?aprsl{FA7F1
DL5RDQ-10 .84ER/A=0 09/06 09:00:02z Send another 3210145.7375 MHZ & 438.600 MHZ ATV HTTP://WWW.SCHNEEKOPFRELAIS.DE
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/06 09:00:01z Send another rej11
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/06 09:00:01z Reply ?aprsl{11
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/06 05:48:54z Send another rej10
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/06 05:48:54z Reply ?aprsl{10
DL5RDQ-10 NETWORK 09/05 19:50:21z Send another CHOLINK NODO 348273
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 19:50:20z Send another No Station Listened in the last 30 min.
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 19:50:15z Send another rej9
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 19:50:15z Reply ?aprsl{9
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 19:22:25z Send another rej8
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 19:22:25z Reply ?aprsl{8
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 15:02:06z Send another rej7
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 15:02:06z Reply ?aprsl{7
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 15:01:52z Reply 🦴{6
DL5RDQ-10 DATA-RELA 09/05 13:13:25z Send another 438.2625 MHZ SHIFT -7.6 MHZ
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 13:13:18z Send another No Station Listened in the last 45 min.
DL5RDQ-10 DF9RB-10 09/05 13:13:13z Send another rej5
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 13:13:13z Reply ?aprsl{5
DL5RDQ-10 DF5RJ-6 09/05 05:17:35z Send another rejE58D0
DF5RJ-6 DL5RDQ-10 09/05 05:17:35z Reply ?aprsl{E58D0
DL5RDQ-10 09/04 15:26:20z Send another
DF5RJ-6 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 15:26:16z Reply ins Netz{7E956
DF5RJ-6 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 15:25:10z Reply Ok, hab Internet ausgeschaltet, aber irgendwer bringt mich rüber{21C1C
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 10:36:39z Reply Jetzt wieder ohne Internet {4
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 08:57:10z Reply Test 10:57{3
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 08:33:21z Reply Test 10:33 Uhr{2
DF9RB-10 DL5RDQ-10 09/04 07:03:49z Reply Test{1